26 July 2016

The indiscriminate use of force Content Marketing evolution


The differentiation is to increase the value of the content that is broadcast. We give 10 keys to improve the impact of this new discipline, which has become one of the strategic areas of marketing.

The so-called “content marketing” is in full swing. Almost 70% of companies own marketing department, practiced with more or less success this new discipline aimed at improving the visibility, credibility and trust of our brand and to arouse interest in the products or services they sell. Practically all companies content marketing practice, assume that this strategy will pay off in the medium term. Therefore, the development of a specific plan and an allocation of continuous resources needed.

The indicators associated with the measurement results in our content marketing activity are; increased traffic on the corporate website, increase community of followers on social networks, improving keyword search engine or organic positions of our site or increase downloads or requests for information associated with those disclosed in the digital media content corporate.

The indiscriminate use of force Content Marketing evolutionHowever, the final assessment of the results depends directly on the efforts we have been making both dedication of resources such as money invested. That is why it is so important to focus our measurement indicators not only in quantitative but also qualitative. We must understand more precisely how they are impacting our content and messages that launched among our target audience, qualify based on the same segments, and establish different strategies of content, formats and channels.

I know many B2B organizations whose target focuses on CIOs of large companies that do not have any customer or potential customer in their channels Twitter and Facebook and Linkedin, but nevertheless, they spend every day an enormous effort to increase its community of followers, generating both own and market information and even competition. The strategy being to be and to communicate to communicate only leads to disinterest and loss of image, just the opposite of what we had initially proposed.

At this juncture, we firmly believe that content marketing will evolve into:

  1. Useful content increase and decrease corporate
  2. Generate fewer but higher quality
  3. Put more emphasis on creativity and originality
  4. Create unique programs restricted access
  5. MK integrate content with the areas of communication, CSR and SM
  6. Segmenting the content and value customization
  7. Search specialization and professionalization
  8. Bet more on the visual and textual least
  9. Search a branding goal-oriented business that CP
  10. Ask outstanding payment options for content

To the above we must add that the entry of TV 2.0, much of the content will be consumed in the living room of our own home while watching television. Undoubtedly, a remarkable change from the form of consumption of these contents.

Finally, not all companies and all organizations adopt the same strategy regarding the discipline of marketing. Depending on market, the type of business proposal and the strategic positioning of the brand. Still, what we have no doubt, is that setting the strategy will be done by a specialist in content marketing. The Content Marketing Manager, will   not be responsible for communication, or the on – line marketing, or the Community manager even creative, will have its own entity according to the importance of this discipline.